Hello and thank you for your interest in BTAC!
The disruption caused by Covid-19 has made life quite uncertain for all of us. But, I am so happy to share that throughout the pandemic, BTAC kept our doors open and continued to play an important role in our community. Here are a few ways we did that during the first two years of the pandemic:
- Provided nearly $43,000 in rental and utility assistance
- Distributed nearly $500,000 worth of groceries and over $50,000 worth of hygiene items
- Assisted more than 300 homeless individuals with 1,104 showers and 3,641 sack lunches
During this time, BTAC experienced an almost 250% increase in people seeking assistance while losing 80% of our volunteers!
I want to thank each and every person and organization that came to our aid during the pandemic. Your generous donations of money, canned goods and other food items, hygiene items, and volunteer time kept us going so we could continue doing good work in Burbank! Your support allows us to help the growing number of people – seniors, struggling families, and unsheltered neighbors – who come to BTAC seeking food, personal hygiene items, showers, laundry services, rent and utility assistance, and compassion.
Thank you for visiting BTAC’s website. We hope you found the information you were looking for. If not, please let us know by email at info@theBTAC.org or call us at (818) 848-2822.
Be well!
Barbara Howell
BTAC Executive Director