As with other service providers, Burbank Temporary Aid Center is carefully monitoring the situation regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), with particular focus on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and our local Los Angeles County Health Department.
We are taking proactive measures to maintain a healthy environment for our volunteers, staff, and those individuals BTAC serves. BTAC will remain open, but certain services may be temporary impacted and access to the building will be limited.
For the well-being of BTAC clients, volunteers and staff, the following have been implemented immediately:
- Three clients will be allowed inside the facility at any given moment.
- Upon entry, all clients will be required to use hand sanitizer.
- Anyone displaying signs of illness will be required to leave until they are no long exhibiting signs of illness.
- A 6-foot distance between clients and staff/volunteers will be maintained at all times.
- Core services will continue, including:
- Grocery orders
- Monthly government groceries
- Daily sack lunches for homeless
- Showers
- Laundry
- Project Share appointments
Additional precautions will be implemented as necessary. We appreciate the community’s understanding and support for BTAC during this time.
If you have any questions, please contact info@theBTAC.org.