Cheers to BTAC - Holiday Hope, Dec 11, 2024 - Learn More

Burbank Temporary Aid Center

Helping Our Community

The unemployed, the financially challenged, the hungry, the homeless.

Donate Now

Here to Help Fire Victims

It has been devastating to see the impact of Los Angeles's fires. Although the fires have not been in Burbank, we have all been touched by the images of loss. Our hearts go out to those struggling to find their way through this tragedy. At BTAC, we see many people in need and still trying to recover from Covid, strikes, and economic impacts. With the loss of homes, businesses and schools caused by fire, we know that the need will only increase, not just in those areas experiencing the fires, but in our own backyard. Some of those displaced may find their way to our community. We are ready to assist as they find their way through this difficult time, while continuing to serve the members of our community who are already in need of help from BTAC. If you would like to help our neighbors in need and those impacted by the fires who will be coming to us for assistance, please donate now! Thank you!

Help Neighbors and Fire Victims in Need
The unemployed, the financially challenged, the hungry, the homeless.
It used to be these terms described other people in other cities. Today they refer to our neighbors.
There are thousands of families in need of assistance right here in Burbank. Who can they lean on while they get back on their feet?
Founded in 1974, the Burbank Temporary Aid Center has been providing individuals and families, the working poor, senior citizens, and the homeless with the short-term emergency assistance they need to live with dignity.

How We Can Help You!

How You Can Help Us!

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Come Visit Us

1304 W. Burbank Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91506

Get Directions

(818) 848-2822

Current Hours

Homeless Services
Monday and Friday
9:00am - 12:00pm

Services for Housed
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00am - 12:00pm

Closed Holidays